Naisrühm Linda on loodud 1964.aastal Sakus legendaarse tantsuõpetaja Linda Rausi poolt. Tema järgi oleme endale ka nime saanud. Alates 1965.a on meie rühm on osalenud kõigil vabariiklikel tantsupidudel, lisaks oleme esinenud paljudel maakondlikel ja kohalikel rahvatantsuüritustel ning käinud erinevatel festivalidel. 45 aasta jooksul oleme õppinud selgeks ligikaudu 80 tantsu ja mõned meie tantsijatest on tantsinud Linda rühmas 25 aastat. Sel suvel moodustasime Linda seltsingu, et jäädvustada Linda Rausi ja tema tantsurühmade ajalugu ning elavdada Saku kultuurielu.

Folk dance group Linda
Folk dance group Linda was founded in 1964 in Saku by famous folk dance teacher Linda Raus and has named after her in the beginning of 90-ies. Last October 2009 the group celebrated its 45 anniversary with concert together with friends and former dancers. Linda folk dance group has participated in all song and dance festivals beginning from 1965 since 2009 and in many different folk festivals, song and dance festivals and local song days in Harju district, Saku and even abroad. The group has hosted around 80 dancers during 45 years and some of the dancers have participated more than 25 years in this group and ara active today. Linda´s teachers have been Linda Raus, Aime Tamm and today Eve Lutter. This summer Linda folk dance group has founded Linda Seltsing with approximately 20 members to collect group´s history and develop folk culture in Saku community.