Rahvatantsuselts Kandali
   Asutatud 1978.aasta sügisel.
Kuna Valdo Rebase tööülesannetesse kuulus ka kutsekoolidele ringijuhtide otsimine (ta töötas Kutsehariduskomitee Noorsoo Kultuuripalees rahvatantsu metoodikuna), siis pidi ta ka Tallinna 19.tehnikakooli vastloodud neidude rühmale juhi otsima. Kuna seda päevapealt leida ei õnnestunud, siis tuli ta ise ajutiselt, seni kuni juhendaja leiab, ise seda rühma juhendama. Ja nii on läinudki - kuna ta pole ikka suutnud sellele kollektiivile juhendajat leida, siis juhendab seda "ajutiselt" ise edasi. Ega hästi enam ei teagi - kumb ta elutööks on muutunud - kas "Kandali" juhendamine või juhendaja otsimine.
On kuidas on, kuid "Kandali" on olemas ja jätkab.
Enam kui kolmekümne aasta jooksul on on "Kandali" toonud lühemaks-pikemaks ajaks tantsu juurde üle 900 noore (oli ju tehnikakool vaid 1 ja 2 aastaste kursustega ning korra tuli mitu sügist järjest päris nullist alustada);
"Kandalis" on loodud terve programmi jagu erinevaid tantse, millest paljud ka teiste rühmade kavadesse jõudnud;
13 korda korraldas "Kandali" koolinoorte vanemate klasside segarühmadele vabariiklikku võistutantsimist "Noorus tantsib", paaril korral ka neidude rühmadele ja noorematele klassidele. JNE. JNE.
"Kandalist" lähemalt vaata www.kandali.ee
"Kandali" on mittetulundusühing alates 1994.aastast.

The folk dance society Kandali
(Tallinn, Estonia)
The folk dance society Kandali was founded in Tallinn, 1978 and about 900 juveniles have danced there since then. Kandali's repertoire consists of old Estonian folk dances, party games and stylized dances, most of them are vivid, joyful and sizzle. A lot of them tell to the audience some story about old Estonians lifestyle and activities so they can give a little overview about ups and downs of life and traditions of Estonian forebears. The dancers wear Estonian national folk costumes which are colourful and beautiful with many embroideries and other decorations.
Dancers have two purposes, performing and travelling. Kandali has performed about 1900 times and visited more than 40 different countries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia. Kandali's most long-lasting trip was bicycle trip through Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany in 1992 which was dedicated to the first free summer of independent Estonian Republic.
The longest trip lasted 45 days, took place in Europe, the dancers visited 16 countries and passed 16 000 km. Most exciting trip was to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, it lasted 18 days and dancers had to travel with occasional cars.
Kandali's leader is from very beginning mr Valdo Rebane. There are about 40 couples who have meet each other in Kandali and got married. The folk dance society has a lot of friend in different countries and many of them have visited Kandali's dancers as well. Group's members are sure that friends are the best things what they have.
Some of Estonian dances are peaceful and slow, some are vivid and joyful. The dances aren't long but we perform them sequentially - every dance has its own clear theme and content. The most far-spread theme in the dances is relationships between men and women. You can see that in our dances where the dancers look for suitable companion and mostly they find him/her. But not always.