Harju Strings

musa/1 Harju Strings - Divertisment 4.mp4

musa/2 Harju Strings - Divertisment 7.mp4

musa/3 Harju Strings - Brandenburgi kontsert nr.mp4

musa/4 Harju Strings- Rootsi rapsoodia.mp4

musa/5 Harju Strings - Aruküla polka.mp4

musa/6 Harju Strings - Lady Be Good.mp4

musa/Unknown Artist - Divertisment 1.mp4

musa/Unknown Artist - Divertisment 6.mp4

musa/Unknown Artist - Labajalgadi.mp4

musa/Unknown Artist - Summertime 2.mp4

  Harjumaa Keelpilliorkester ...
 ... on asutatud 2003 aastal. Orkestris mängivad Harjumaa Muusikakoolide õpilased ja õpetajad ning Rapla noored keelpillimängijad.
Orkestri juures tegutseb kaks koosseisu, lisaks põhikoosseisule on 2006 aastast tegutsemas ka Harjumaa keelpilliorkestri ettevalmistusorkester mida juhendavad õpetajad Tekla Tappo eestvedamisel. Orkester annab aastas kümmekond kontserti ning on esinenud ka Soomes, Ungaris ja Austrias.

  Harju Strings (Harjumaa Keelpilliorkester) ...  
... is a youthful orchestra, which repertoire consists of mostly classical music.
String Orchestra of Harju County was founded in 2003, when students and teachers of string instruments in Harju County, the biggest county in Estonia, came together for first time. Since that time, 8 – 12 concerts are given yearly in several places of Estonia. The Orchestra has performed also in Austria and Finland. The continuity of the orchestra is mostly carried by active string teachers of Harju County (music schools), who are the core of the orcestra with their most accomplished students. Harju County Government and Union of Harju County Municipalities has been good supporters and co-operators of the Orchestra. The music schools of Harju County and Cultural Endowment of Estonia have also supported the activities of the Orchestra.  The most memorable experience of the Orcestra members has been the Youth Song Festival of Estonia in 2007, when the Orcestra participated in Song Festival String Orchestra of 300 players. One of the outstanding experiences was also a concert tour to Austria in summer 2009. The Orchestra participated in European Youth Orchestras Festival in Linz.